Saturday, October 09, 2010

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation...

For seniors about to step off the edge of academia and into the "grown up" world, a little hesitation is natural and to be expected. We've been safely cocooned in school for at least 16 years; for me it's been 18. There's often a sense of confusion as graduation approaches and we start to ask ourselves, "What am I supposed to do with my life? What next?"

For Catholics, the answers to these questions come in two parts; both of them have to do with our choice of vocation. But the difference here is that there are two different vocations that a Catholic will take on in life. Sometimes, you'll hear them referred to as the "little V" and "big v" vocation.

Our "little v" vocation is the career path that we choose or have happened to fall into. It's the answer you give when someone asks what you do for a living: I'm a writer. That's my vocation.

Then, there is something a lot deeper and more personal than our occupation: our spiritual calling. This is our "big v" vocation, and unlike a career, it's not something we choose, but rather what God has called us to be.

For both genders, this can be either marriage or singlehood. Women can also join a religious order as a sister or nun (there is a difference), or become a consecrated virgin that works and lives in "the world" (not in a convent). Similarly, men can become priests or brothers in a monastic order.

The process of figuring out to which we're called is a tricky one that sometimes takes our whole lives. It takes an honest assessment of our strengths, weaknesses, desires and a lot of prayer. It can be scary, and it's not uncommon to hear people sharing that they ran for years before accepting their call, whatever it may be. That's why we pray at every Mass: "Thy will be done."

For now, I'm mostly certain I'm called to marriage; my confessor has agreed with my assumptions. At the very least, I know I'm not supposed to be a sister...but we need good wives and mothers  just as much as we need good sisters. :) Nothing left to do but wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. I too feel like I'm called to marriage, despite the best efforts of Salesians and Franciscans who keep pushing the priestly vocation speeches. My confessors agree with me as well. I'm glad this blog on faith and school has started up once again.


Thanks for your interest in my blog! Please remember when commenting that this is an academic assignment, and while I will gladly answer any questions about Catholicism, I will only be able to respond regarding my own personal faith to a certain extent. If you would like to engage me about *my* faith, feel free to contact me privately. Peace! :)